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The Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century The Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century

The Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century


Duration: 00:00

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  • Original Editor's Note (2:03)
  • 1 - Darkness Before Dawn (23:34)
  • 2 - First Streaks of Dawn (23:49)
  • 3 - Oxford: New Lights and Old Lanterns (20:11)
  • 4 - Cast Out From The Church—Taking to the Fields (21:19)
  • 5 - The Revival Conservative (23:07)
  • 6 - The Singers of the Revival (25:30)
  • 7 - Lay Preaching and Lay Preachers (23:13)
  • 8 - A Gallery of Revivalist Portraits (21:37)
  • 9 - Blossoms in the Wilderness (11:19)
  • 10 - The Revival Becomes Educational—Robert Raikes (21:47)
  • 11 - The Romantic Story of Silas Told (38:05)
  • 12 - Missionary Societies (6:16)
  • 13 - Aftermath (16:11)
  • 14 - The Revival In The New World (29:56)
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If any reader feels the author’s enthusiasm for the subject overstates the influence of the “Methodist movement” while undervaluing other factors in the “great awakening” of the 18th century, this clarification is necessary. This book does not aim to present a full history. Instead, it focuses on the Great Revival as it unfolded in specific regions. These include London and major mining areas of England, where leaders like Whitefield and the Wesleys achieved remarkable results. Their preaching brought profound spiritual change, transforming countless lives. Methodism has since continued to advance the cause of Christ in these areas.

This focus does not diminish the contributions of other groups. Many dissenting societies and churches played key roles in promoting the revival. Their efforts were vital in Scotland, Ireland, the American colonies, and other parts of England. The revival was a collective work of many faithful laborers, each playing an essential part.

The book includes a final chapter on the revival in the American colonies. It highlights the contributions of leaders like Edwards, Whitefield, and the Tennents. Their efforts sparked a significant movement across the Atlantic, shaping the spiritual landscape of early America.

Studying these “religious awakenings” is invaluable. Their holy zeal and tireless efforts inspire us today. The dedication of these leaders reminds modern workers of what is possible. Through faith and perseverance, we too can achieve victories for the glory of God.

The 18th century saw extraordinary transformations, and these events offer timeless lessons. The revival ignited hearts, unified believers, and advanced Christ’s kingdom. Reflecting on this period encourages deeper faith and renewed commitment in our own era.