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Hints to Parents: A Sermon on the Religious Education of Children Hints to Parents: A Sermon on the Religious Education of Children

Hints to Parents: A Sermon on the Religious Education of Children


Duration: 00:00

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Chapter Time Left:

  • Introduction (1:37)
  • 1 - The Habit of Obedience (12:38)
  • 2 - Steps for Achieving These Vital Goals (21:16)
  • 3 - What Should Motivate Us In Our Parenting? (20:29)
  • 4 - Closing Thoughts (7:01)
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1h 3m
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Hints to Parents by Gardiner Spring. Ephesians 6:4 “And you fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but raise them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

Anyone who looks at the structure of human society can see that raising children with a religious foundation is one of the greatest means of grace and salvation. With God’s help, parents have the power to keep true devotion alive, prevent the spread of harmful beliefs, promote truth and godliness, and reform and save the world more effectively than any other method.
I speak of a religious education. Yet, many aspects contribute indirectly to forming moral character and play a role in religious upbringing. So, to focus only on strictly religious teaching would be too limited. The question we are considering is, What is the instruction, as taught by the Lord and supported by experience, that is most likely to lead to the salvation of our children? A complete answer would require a book, not just a single sermon. I can only offer a few insights on this important topic. My purpose in these remarks is to direct your attention:
– To some essential parts of children’s upbringing where parents should focus their efforts.
– To practical methods for achieving these goals.
– To the encouragements and motivations for faithfully fulfilling this parental duty.