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Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God

Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God


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  • Chapter 1 (16:01)
  • Chapter 2 (38:28)
  • Chapter 3 (17:15)
  • Chapter 4 (36:03)
  • Chapter 5 (38:52)
  • Chapter 6 (35:50)
  • Chapter 7 (26:52)
  • Chapter 8 (47:16)
  • Chapter 9 (45:01)
  • Chapter 10 (38:40)
  • Chapter 11 (33:15)
  • Chapter 12 (44:23)
  • Chapter 13 (33:27)
  • Chapter 14 (42:39)
  • Chapter 15 (30:23)
  • Chapter 16 (35:18)
  • Chapter 17 (41:33)
  • Chapter 18 (36:56)
  • Chapter 19 (20:40)
  • Chapter 20 (31:59)
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11h 31m
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The Gospel will never be carried by the winds, but they might carry us. Jesus commands us individually, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

Will you tell Him, “It is not convenient”? Will you say that you are busy fishing, have bought a piece of land, purchased oxen, or married a wife? Will He accept such excuses? Have we forgotten that “we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ”? Each of us will receive according to what we have done. Remember the unevangelized millions in China. Pray for them, work for them, or you will sin against your own soul.

Consider these words: “If you hold back from saving those drawn unto death and say, ‘We did not know,’ does not He who ponders the heart consider it? Will He not render to everyone according to their works?”

The Response to Hudson Taylor’s Mission

The meeting ended in deep silence. Many sought the speaker afterward, eager to learn more and offer help. News spread quickly, both of the address and of Hudson Taylor’s upcoming return to China. Without the backing of a denomination or committee, and without any promise of supplies, he prepared to lead a group of fellow workers to evangelize the inland provinces of China.

Despite the enormity of the task, he remained calm and confident that God had called them. People were amazed by his faith and vision, as if a prophet had risen among them. One of the larger churches filled with people eager to hear more about the mission.

Openings and Support for the Mission

More opportunities followed as people realized Hudson Taylor was not a visionary in the unrealistic sense, though he certainly had a God-given vision. His quiet, prayer-filled words carried weight and influence. Religious journals published reports of his addresses, and friends made at these meetings supported him throughout the years. Some still remember with gratitude his impact on their lives, particularly at the Perth Conference of 1865.

The Foundation of Hudson Taylor’s Faith

What lay behind such faith and vision? What life experiences shaped Hudson Taylor and led to the formation of the China Inland Mission?