Missionary Biographies

Seven Years in Sierra Leone: William A. B. Johnson

Seven Years in Sierra Leone: William A. B. Johnson

The Life of William Carey—Shoemaker and Missionary

The Life of William Carey—Shoemaker and Missionary

The Gospel in Cuba—The Story of Díaz

The Gospel in Cuba—The Story of Díaz

Robert Moffat: The Missionary Hero of Kuruman

Robert Moffat: The Missionary Hero of Kuruman

John Williams: The Martyr Missionary of Polynesia

John Williams: The Martyr Missionary of Polynesia

Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God

Hudson Taylor And The China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God

Hudson Taylor: In Early Years - The Growth of a Soul

Hudson Taylor: In Early Years – The Growth of a Soul

A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China

A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China

Lives of The Three Mrs. Judsons—Missionaries to Burmah

Lives of The Three Mrs. Judsons—Missionaries to Burmah

Amid Greenland Snows: The Early History of Arctic Missions