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A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China

A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China


Duration: 00:00

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  • Preface (4:54)
  • Introduction - Called and Sent (12:29)
  • 1 - A Cloud Out of the Sea (27:21)
  • 2 - The Cloud Upon Our Horizon (20:21)
  • 3 - The Darkness Deepens (42:36)
  • 4 - The Breaking of the Storm (36:38)
  • 5 - Into the Valley of the Shadow (23:43)
  • 6 - Out of the Depths (24:41)
  • 7 - Flee! Flee! (33:01)
  • 8 - The Tenth Day of The Sixth Moon (17:14)
  • 9 - Condemned (29:06)
  • 10 - The Sorrows of Death (25:51)
  • 11 - A Great Conflict of Sufferings (23:58)
  • 12 - A Hairbreadth Escape (20:23)
  • 13 - In The Mount With God (44:21)
  • 14 - Arrest and Treachery (25:08)
  • 15 - With the Rain Processionists of Yin-ch’eng (20:38)
  • 16 - A Night to be Remembered (34:58)
  • 17 - Traveling to Execution (39:00)
  • 18 - Left to the Mob (26:18)
  • 19 - The Death Plot of Lan-Chen Cheo (45:24)
  • 20 - New Perils in Ho-nan (31:42)
  • 21 - In Weariness and Painfulness (32:02)
  • 22 - From Prison to Prison (56:05)
  • 23 - Christ’s Hospital (33:18)
  • 24 - From the Cross to the Crown (1:11)
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As I look back on the Lord’s marvelous acts in A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China, I feel as though I stand on holy ground. The memory of those events is so sacred that I hesitate to share them. Yet, I believe these experiences were not only for us but also “for His Body’s sake, which is the Church.” God wants His servants’ sufferings to be fully known (2 Timothy 3:10-11). This will bring glory to His Name and strengthen those who seek to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.

With this conviction, I present this account, flawed as it may be, to God’s blessing. During all our struggles, He was with us. His Presence saved us. “Not unto us, oh Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name give glory.”

I also want to thank Miss Gates for her help in preparing parts of this narrative.

June, 1904
A. E. Glover