Book Excerpt

Chapter 8: The Firstborn Dies—From Idolizing Her Child To Seeing God’s Sovereign Power

[This chapter is from the book “Lives of the Three Mrs. Judson’s” listen to the full audiobook here.] In the spring of 1829, Mr. Boardman and his family embarked on a brief journey by sea to improve their health. Mrs. Boardman had recently suffered another bout of illness, and their young son, George, was delicate […]

Monthly Updates

November To End of Year Scroll Reader Update

Greetings listeners, We are approaching the end of 2023. Since the time of this projects start, we’ve been able to produce over 100 hours of free audiobook content—praise the Lord! We are grateful to the LORD for the volunteers who’ve been apart of this. Grateful for the technology and tools that have helped us in […]

Monthly Updates

September to Mid-October 2023 Scroll Reader Updates

Greetings in the LORD, Email subscribers will receive these email updates on a monthly basis. It will feature a list of new audiobooks that have been added in the past month. It will also feature forthcoming resources, opportunities to help, and a list of site or audio player updates that will be helpful to know […]


The Old Chief’s Sermon | Chapter 60 | The Story of John G. Paton

The well was now finished. The place was neatly fenced in. And the old Chief said, “Missi, I think I could help you next Sabbath. Will you let me preach a sermon on the well?” “Yes,” I at once replied, “if you will try to bring all the people to hear you.” “Missi, I will […]