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History of the Moravian Church | Book 1: The Bohemian Brethren History of the Moravian Church | Book 1: The Bohemian Brethren

History of the Moravian Church | Book 1: The Bohemian Brethren


Duration: 00:00

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Chapter Time Left:

  • 1 - The Rising Storm (13:24)
  • 2 - The Burning Of Hus (23:04)
  • 3 - The Welter, 1415-1434 (12:41)
  • 4 - Peter Of Chelcic, 1419-1450 (20:29)
  • 5 - Gregory The Patriarch And The Society At Kunwald, 1457-1473 (26:27)
  • 6 - Luke Of Prague And The High Church Reaction. 1473-1530 (24:15)
  • 7 - The Brethren At Home (30:57)
  • 8 - John Augusta And His Policy, 1531-1548 (20:40)
  • 9 - The Brethren In Poland, 1548-1570 (15:26)
  • 10 - The Martyr-bishop, 1548-1560 (15:04)
  • 11 - The Last Days Of Augusta, 1560-1572 (20:18)
  • 12 - The Golden Age, 1572-1603 (23:02)
  • 13 - The Letter Of Majesty, 1603-1609 (14:30)
  • 14 - The Downfall, 1616-1621 (14:32)
  • 15 - The Day Of Blood At Prague (23:30)
  • 16 - Comenius And The Hidden Seed, 1627-1672 (39:32)
  • 17 - The Bohemian Brethren And The Church Of England (9:13)
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5h 47m
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Who were and are the Moravians? How did they come to be and what is their history? The following is J.E. Hutton’s book #1 on the History of the Moravian Church. Learn about John Augusta, the day of blood at Prague, and other historical events that shaped Christ’s church.