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Saved At Sea Saved At Sea

Saved At Sea


Duration: 00:00

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  • 1 - My Strange Home (7:05)
  • 2 - The Flare at Sea (5:30)
  • 3 - The Bundle Saved (6:31)
  • 4 - Little Timpey (6:58)
  • 5 - The Unclaimed Sunbeam (6:11)
  • 6 - The Old Gentleman's Question (6:47)
  • 7 - A Thick Fog (5:54)
  • 8 - Waiting for the Boat (6:31)
  • 9 - A Change in the Lighthouse (6:17)
  • 10 - Our New Neighbor (5:28)
  • 11 - On the Rock (6:50)
  • 12 - The Sunbeam Claimed (8:37)
  • In Closing. (0:57)
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1h 19m
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Listen to a Free Audiobook of “Saved at Sea” by O.F. Walton

A Story of Trust and Faith

“Saved at Sea” tells a gripping story about trusting Christ as the solid rock of salvation. This tale beautifully illustrates how, just as a lighthouse withstands the storms, faith in Christ allows us to stand firm through life’s trials.

A Strange Day of Birth

The day I was born was nothing short of unusual. The waves furiously crashed against the lighthouse, and the wind roared through the night. Had the lighthouse not been built firmly on solid rock, it would have certainly been swept into the raging sea, along with everyone inside.

My grandfather, Sandy Fergusson, often said that he had never experienced such a storm, even though he had lived on the island for more than forty years.

The Height of the Storm

Many ships sank that day, and sadly, many lives were lost. However, in the midst of the chaos, when the storm raged its fiercest and the waves roared the loudest, I, Alick Fergusson, entered the world.

I was born on a truly strange day, and I was born into an equally unusual home. The lighthouse stood on a small island, four miles away from any other land. The island was so small that if you stood in the middle, you could see the sea all around you. Sometimes, the waters were calm and peaceful, but at other times, they were black and stormy, crashing against the rocky shores with great force.

Life in the Lighthouse

Our lighthouse was perched on a steep rock overlooking the sea. Each night, as darkness fell, the lamps were lit. I remember how, as a child, I would sit for hours, captivated by the lights as they rotated and changed color. First came a white light, followed by blue, red, and green—then back to white again.

Passing ships always watched for our lights. As a result, they safely avoided the dangerous rocks near our island.

My Grandfather’s Role

My grandfather, Sandy Fergusson, was one of the lighthouse keepers. His job was to ensure that the lamps were always in perfect working order. Night after night, he faithfully lit them. Even in his old age, he performed his duties with great energy and cheerfulness. He often said his greatest desire was to stay at his post until I could take over his responsibilities.