George Müller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God

George Müller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God

  • 1 - From His Birth To His New Birth 31:04
  • 2 - The New Birth and The New Life 24:55
  • 3 - Making Ready The Chosen Vessel 22:37
  • 4 - New Steps and Stages of Preparation 20:50
  • 5 - The Pulpit and The Pastorate 28:08
  • 6 - "The Narrative of the Lord's Dealings" 27:04
  • 7 - Led of God Into a New Sphere 26:03
  • 8 - A Tree of God's Own Planting 26:59
  • 9 - The Growth of God's Own Plant 30:27
  • 10 - The Word of God And Prayer 30:33
  • 11 - Trials of Faith, And Helpers To Faith 27:17
  • 12 - New Lessons In God's School of Prayer 27:03
  • 13 - Following The Pillar of Cloud And Fire 26:07
  • 14 - God's Building: The New Orphan Houses 35:59
  • 15 - The Manifold Grace of God 34:59
  • 16 - The Shadow of A Great Sorrow 20:28
  • 17 - The Period of World-wide Witness 37:07
  • 18 - Faith and Patience In Serving 34:12
  • 19 - At Evening-time-Light 20:48
  • 20 - A Summary of The Life's Work 28:48
  • 21 - The Church Life and Growth 33:00
  • 22 - A Glance At The Gifts and The Givers 34:48
  • 23 - God's Witness To The Work 34:13
  • 24 - Last Looks, Backward and Forward 32:19
11h 35m

This audiobook is of the faith-stirring book, “George Müller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God”. No one could have undertaken this work of writing Mr. Müller’s life-story without being deeply impressed with the opportunity thus afforded for impressing the most vital truths that concern holy living and holy serving; nor could anyone have completed such a work without feeling overawed by the argument which this narrative furnishes for a present, living, prayer-hearing God, and for a possible and practical daily walk with Him and work with Him. It has been a great help in the preparation of this book that the writer has had such frequent conversations with Mr. James Wright, who was so long Mr. Müller’s associate and knew him so intimately.

There is only one aim to this book, just as there was only one aim to the life it sketches. It is simply and solely meant to extend, emphasize, and perpetuate George Müller’s witness to a prayer-hearing God; to present, as plainly, forcibly, and briefly as possible, the outlines of human history, and an experience of the Lord’s leadings and dealings, which furnish a sufficient answer to the question: Where is the LORD God of Elijah?

A.T. Pierson, 1899