A.T. Pierson

A.T. Pierson

Arthur Tappan Pierson (1837–1911) was an American pastor, missionary advocate, and prolific author, best known for his writings on missions and his biography of George Müller. A passionate supporter of global evangelism, Pierson was a close associate of prominent Christian leaders such as Charles Spurgeon and Dwight L. Moody. He preached extensively on the importance of prayer, revival, and missionary work, often standing in for Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Among his many works are "The Crisis of Missions" and "The Divine Enterprise of Missions." Pierson’s legacy continues through his powerful contributions to missionary thought and his tireless efforts to promote the spread of the gospel.

Total Posts: 4
Seven Years in Sierra Leone: William A. B. Johnson

Seven Years in Sierra Leone: William A. B. Johnson

Shall We Continue In Sin?

Shall We Continue In Sin?

The Miracles of Missions

The Miracles of Missions – A.T. Pierson

George Müller: His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God (Audiobook)

George Müller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God