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History of the Moravian Church | Book 2: The Revival Under Zinzendorf History of the Moravian Church | Book 2: The Revival Under Zinzendorf

History of the Moravian Church | Book 2: The Revival Under Zinzendorf


Duration: 00:00

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  • 1 - The Youth of Count Zinzendorf, 1700-1722 (29:44)
  • 2 - Christian David, 1690-1722 (10:06)
  • 3 - The Founding of Herrnhut, 1722-1727 (30:27)
  • 4 - Life at Herrnhut (30:31)
  • 5 - The Edict of Banishment (13:09)
  • 6 - The Foreign Missions and Their Influence (43:49)
  • 7 - The Pilgrim Band, 1736-1743 (34:21)
  • 8 - The Sifting Time, 1743-1750 (25:46)
  • 9 - Moravians And Methodists, 1735-1742 (41:53)
  • 10 - Yorkshire And The Settlement System (28:18)
  • 11 - The Labours Of John Cennick, 1739-1755 (31:26)
  • 12 - The Appeal To Parliament, 1742-1749 (30:34)
  • 13 - The Battle Of The Books, 1749-1755 (44:07)
  • 14 - The American Experiments, 1734-1762 (51:30)
  • 15 - The Last Days of Zinzendorf, 1755-1760 (19:40)
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7h 45m
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History of the Moravian Church | Book 2: The Revival Under Zinzendorf – The effect on Zinzendorf was electric. His mind was full of missionary visions. The story of Antony fired his zeal. The door to the heathen world stood open. The golden day had dawned.

As Zinzendorf drew near to his end, he saw that his efforts in the cause of Christ had not ended as he had hoped. His design was the union of Christendom, his achievement the revival of the Church of the Brethren. He had given the “Hidden Seed” a home at Herrnhut. He had discovered the ancient laws of the Bohemian Brethren…

Looking for Book 1? It is under the title: History of the Moravian Church | Book 1: The Bohemian Brethren