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The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches

The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches


Duration: 00:00

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Chapter Time Left:

  • Introduction & Preface (2:54)
  • 1 - The Old System Criticized (25:43)
  • 2 - How To Deal With New Converts? (24:32)
  • 3 - Origin and Growth of Stations In Central Shan-Tung (55:56)
  • 4 - Organization of Stations, Present and Prospective (37:19)
  • 5 - Beginning Work (49:45)
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3h 16m

Origins of “The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches”

The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches first appeared as a series of articles in the Chinese Recorder in 1885. These articles immediately generated great interest in a lesser-known missionary method that had proven to be highly successful. Due to the demand for Dr. Nevius’s letters, the Presbyterian Press in Shanghai reprinted them as a book in 1886. As the discussion spread internationally, W. H. Grant prepared a second edition, which was published by the Presbyterian Board in New York under their “Foreign Mission Library.”

Nevius’s Methods and Their Success

Since their first publication, Dr. Nevius’s methods have been successfully tested in other regions, especially in Korea, where they produced notable results. Many mission board secretaries have highly endorsed these methods. However, it is important to note that Dr. Nevius’s plans were not universally accepted, even within his own mission field. Some Chinese missionaries have argued against his approach from 1885 to the present year. Despite this, no other method has emerged that holds as much promise in addressing the pressing needs of the time.

New Edition for Mission Study Classes

Given the current financial pressures and the careful consideration of missions by new candidates, the decision was made to produce a new edition. This edition is intended for mission study classes associated with the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. The new version includes several changes, such as a revised title, the removal of local or temporary details, and updated chapter and paragraph divisions to match the format of other books in the Movement.

The main divisions are marked by bold-faced Clarendon type, while subordinate sections are indicated by paragraphs with Arabic numerals. Additional subdivisions are clearly marked for the benefit of students and class leaders using an analytical outline published elsewhere.

NEW YORK, March 1, 1899